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Kilby Butte Bank Restoration Project
The Lower Musselshell Conservation District completed a bank restoration project on the Musselshell River near Roundup. The work consisted of project planning in the spring of 2021, including an onsite in April, project permitting that was completed in July and August, and construction from September – December, 2021. Preparation for installation of the willow lifts began with excavation of the bank by the landowners from September – December. A total of 12,000 yards of dirt were excavated for this project. FWP and Jeff Ryan and Connor Mertz with the Lewis and Clark Conservation District provided project management and oversight. 15,000 willows were cut in one day by a crew of landowners, FWP personnel and the MWC Coordinator.

Before - April 2021

First Layer of Willows

Excavation - October 2021
Final Layer of Willows

After - February 2022
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